Saturday, December 19, 2015

Thanking Teen Volunteers

The end of another year approaches and many Librarians have only maintained order and sanity through the help of their wonderful volunteer workforce.  Since initiating the year-round teen volunteer program (grades 6-12), we have gained seven dedicated volunteers putting in anywhere from one to four hours throughout 2015. Together, they put in over 100 hours!

Excited circles commence!

I have my teens do a variety of tasks:
  • Fill out material order cards
  • Prep storytime crafts
  • Pull books for displays
  • Shelf read/straighten
  • Dust and clean
  • Help with events
And any other odd job that needs to be done.  With them performing necessary, but jejune tasks while chatting together or listening to their iPod, as well as helping make my wishes and whims come true, I'm able to dedicate much more time to Reader's Advisory, program planning, and other tasks.

Other than the community service hours and a chance to contribute to the community, these volunteers receive my unending thanks for such feats.  Last year I showered my volunteers with chocolate and twizzlers, but this year I wanted to do something a little different/more creative.  The entire idea was borne out of the fact that one of my volunteers has dietary restrictions and I certainly did not want to gift something that they could not enjoy nor did I want to give everyone different gifts, as they are all equally appreciated!

After wandering the aisles of the local store and thinking, I was struck by an idea (and a pun): combining golden oreos and golden raisins with a note that reads," Thank you for making this year at the Library golden."

Healthy and hilarious!
Each volunteer was so adorably thankful for the gift and some even were embarrassed they hadn't gotten me something (I insisted that they do plenty).

This was a very low-cost way to show my support and thanks.  The supplies were easy to obtain and inexpensive:
  • Oreos  = $1 each
  • Raisons = $0.50 each
  • Card stock paper, ribbon, and tape (lying around the office = $0
Total cost per volunteer was less than $2 (even if you have to buy the paper and ribbon, etc.) and took me less than an hour in the searching, buying, a gift wrapping.  This all completely worth the effort as each teen smiled so wide upon receiving their gifts!  I will certainly continue this practice and recommend it to others who are able to show their appreciation in small gifts!

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